Home Civilizations Zapotec: Born into the Valley of Oaxaca

Zapotec: Born into the Valley of Oaxaca

by Caius Marcellus

In the Valley of Oaxaca

There is something fascinating about delving into the old cultures of the world. One of my favorite civilizations is the Zapotecs who thrived in the southern highlands of Mexico. The Zapotecs were one of the most influential Mesoamerican civilizations, and their remarkable legacy can still be witnessed across the region.

Zapotec Rise to Power

The Zapotec’s roots are found deep in modern day Mexico, in the valley of Oaxaca. They established their civilization around 500 BCE. Zapotecs quickly gained power and eventually became the dominant force in the region, uniting various tribes under their rule. One of their most significant accomplishments was Monte Alban, the Zapotec’s capital city. The construction of Monte Alban is an outstanding feat of engineering, with towering pyramids, ball-courts, and plazas surrounded by monumental stone buildings.

Spectacular Art and Architecture

One of the most impressive aspects of the Zapotec civilization is their art. The Zapotecs were renowned for producing intricate pottery, jewelry, and sculptures, often showcasing their religious beliefs through their craft. Additionally, the Zapotec’s architecture was a testament to their advanced skills, with buildings constructed using massive stones that interlocked without needed cement. These megalithic structures can still be viewed today and remain a testimony of the Zapotec’s architectural prowess.

Zapotec Script

The Zapotec civilization was also notable for its written language. The Zapotec writing system is one of the oldest in the Americas, dating to 600 BC. The language used over 700 different glyphs, each one conveying its meaning, and was primarily used to record births, marriages, and other significant events such as battles and warriors’ heroic deeds.


The Zapotec civilization’s legacy is a testament to their creativity and ingenuity. Their achievements are still visible today, with the massive monuments at Monte Alban and the renowned Zapotec jewelry being treasured works of art. Further, the Zapotecs’ impact on modern culture can be witnessed in traditional Oaxacan cuisine and architecture.

In conclusion, the Zapotec civilization was a beautiful society that continues to bless up with beauty. Their legacy can be felt through the numerous artistic works they left and the continued influence on modern Mexico. The Zapotecs advanced technology, art, agriculture, and religion, all of which made them a powerful and influential civilization. It’s awe-inspiring to study their past and see how they’ve shaped the present – something for which we should be forever grateful.

Deeper Reading:

The Cloud People: Divergent Evolution of the Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations” by Kent V. Flannery (editor), Joyce Marcus (editor)

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