Home Civilizations The Mesolithic Period; Man Forms a Community

The Mesolithic Period; Man Forms a Community

by Caius Marcellus


The Mesolithic period, also known as the Middle Stone Age, is a key period in human history that is characterized by significant changes in the way early humans lived, worked, and interacted with one another. This period followed the Paleolithic era, a time of great technological and cultural development, and preceded the Neolithic period, a time marked by the rise of agriculture and the development of complex societies. The Mesolithic period saw the emergence of new technologies, new subsistence strategies, and new social and cultural practices that would lay the foundation for the development of more complex societies in the future. In this post, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the Mesolithic period, including its chronological span, key characteristics, major technological and cultural developments, the organization of Mesolithic societies, and the impact of the Mesolithic period on the Neolithic Revolution.


  1. Upper Mesolithic: 10,000-8,000 BCE During the upper Mesolithic period, early humans continued to develop new technologies such as microliths, composite tools, and ground stone tools. They also began to settle in more permanent or semi-permanent settlements, and engage in more complex economic activities such as trade and exchange.
  2. Middle Mesolithic: 8,000-7,000 BCE During the middle Mesolithic period, people began to develop more complex social and economic structures, and to engage in more sophisticated subsistence strategies such as fishing and hunting. They also developed new techniques for making tools and weapons, such as flint knapping and polishing, and began to create more complex cultural artifacts such as pottery and rock art.
  3. Lower Mesolithic: 7,000-5,000 BCE During the lower Mesolithic period, early humans continued to refine their subsistence strategies and technologies, and to develop new forms of social and economic organization. They also began to engage in more intensive forms of agriculture and animal husbandry, paving the way for the rise of complex societies and the Neolithic Revolution.

Key Characteristics

The Mesolithic period is characterized by a number of changes that distinguish it from the preceding Paleolithic and the following Neolithic periods. One of the key features of the Mesolithic is the use of microliths, small stone tools that were often used in composite tools such as arrows and harpoons. Additionally, the Mesolithic period saw the rise of a more sedentary lifestyle as people began to settle in permanent or semi-permanent settlements, rather than being nomadic hunter-gatherers. The emergence of this more settled way of life was facilitated by the development of new technologies such as boats, which allowed people to travel more easily and explore new areas.

Major Technological and Cultural Developments

The Mesolithic period saw a number of significant technological and cultural developments. In addition to the use of microliths, people in the Mesolithic period also developed new techniques for making tools and weapons, such as flint knapping, the art of shaping stones, such as flint, chert, or obsidian, into tools and weapons using a process of carefully controlled percussion and pressure and ground stone tools. They also began to develop pottery, which allowed for the storage and transportation of food and other goods. In terms of cultural developments, the Mesolithic period saw the emergence of new art forms, such as rock art and carvings, and the creation of more complex burial practices.

Organization of Mesolithic Societies

Mesolithic societies were typically organized into small, mobile groups that would move around in search of food and resources. However, with the development of more settled lifestyles, larger and more complex societies began to emerge. Some of these societies were organized around kinship ties, with extended families living together in communal settlements.

Social and Economic Practices

The social and economic practices of Mesolithic societies were closely tied to their subsistence strategies. Many Mesolithic societies relied on hunting and fishing, and therefore tended to be highly mobile. As societies began to settle in more permanent settlements, they also began to engage in more complex economic activities, such as trade and exchange. The emergence of agriculture and the domestication of animals were also key developments that paved the way for the rise of complex societies.

Impact of Mesolithic Period on Neolithic Revolution

The Mesolithic period set the stage for the Neolithic Revolution by laying the groundwork for the development of agriculture and complex societies. The use of boats and other technologies allowed people to explore new areas and to develop new subsistence strategies, such as farming and animal husbandry. Additionally, the emergence of settled lifestyles and the development of new cultural practices provided a foundation for the development of more complex social and economic structures.


The Mesolithic period represents a significant period of human history, characterized by a number of key developments that paved the way for the rise of agriculture and complex societies. These developments included the use of microliths, the emergence of settled lifestyles, the development of new technologies and cultural practices, and the expansion of economic activities such as trade and exchange. As such, the Mesolithic period played a critical role in shaping the course of human evolution and history, and its legacy continues to be felt in many aspects of contemporary life.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Mesolithic period and its significance in human history, I highly recommend checking the links below for book recommendations. Each book provides unique insights and perspectives on the period, and together they offer a comprehensive understanding of the cultural, technological, and evolutionary developments that occurred during this time.

Deeper Reading:

  1. “Mesolithic of Europe” by Graeme Barker and Penny Spikins
  2. “The Mesolithic Age in South Asia: Tradition and Transition” by V. N. Misra
  3. “The Early Prehistory of Scotland (Hume Papers on Public Policy)”  by Tony Pollard, Alex Morrison
  4. “Stone Age Economics” by Marshall Sahlins

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The Stone Age – Ancient History Hub March 24, 2023 - 11:46 am

[…] Mesolithic period, or the Middle Stone Age, saw the development of more advanced stone tools, such as microliths and […]


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