Home Civilizations The Harappan, Civilization in the Indus

The Harappan, Civilization in the Indus

by Caius Marcellus


The Harappan Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that emerged around 2600 BCE. They were located in the Indus Valley, which now encompasses parts of Pakistan and India. The civilization was one of the earliest in the world. It even predated the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It saw advanced urban planning, including a sophisticated sewage and drainage systems. Amazingly they have a writing system that has yet to be fully deciphered. The Harappan Civilization declined around 1900 BCE and was gradually replaced by the Vedic culture of the Indo-Aryans.

Much of this civilizations remains shrouded in mystery. Due to the limited ability to read their written records we have much to learn about them. However, significant discoveries do offer some insight the Harappan people. We are only able to fully examine material relics. So I will spend most of the time focused on technology and artistic achievements. Though we will also look at their social organization, religion, and economic practices. We will uncover that the Harappan Civilization was a complex and sophisticated society. It is the foundation for the development of ancient South Asia.

The Harappans

The Harappan were located in the region of present-day Pakistan and northwest India. They lasted from approximately 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE. The civilization spread across the Indus River valley and its tributaries. All of which provided fertile land for agriculture. Fertile land and Agriculture are the building block to urban and complex societies. The civilization was composed of several large urban centers. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were the largest along with many smaller towns and villages. The civilization was at its height during the Mature Harappan period.

Our understanding of political and social structures stem from our ability to read written text. This is true for all ancient civilizations. This makes understanding the political and social organization of the Harappan Civilization very difficulty. However, archaeological evidence suggests that the civilization had a centralized government. The urban centers were well-planned, with grid-like streets and a complex sewage and drainage system. The cities were also divided into different neighborhoods, each with its own public facilities such as wells and baths.

The Harappan Civilization shows evidence of social stratification and occupational specialization. This leads us to believe their civilization contained a social hierarchy. Archaeological evidence suggests that there were merchants, artisans, and possibly even slaves. While we can’t read the writing system it was most likely used for administrative purposes.

The Harappan Civilization was highly advanced for its time. They display achievements in urban planning, architecture, metallurgy, and agriculture. The civilization had a complex trade network, with evidence of trade with other civilizations as far away as Mesopotamia. The civilization produced intricate pottery, jewelry, and figurines. The civilization declined and eventually disappeared. This is likely due to environmental factors such as drought.

Religion and Belief Systems of the Harappan Civilization

The Harappan civilization had a complex religious. That belief system included a variety of deities, animal worship. There is even evidence that suggests possibly ancestor worship. Many of the figurines and terracotta sculptures discovered depict human figures and animals. Animal played a vital role to their religion. In particular, the bull is a recurring theme in their art and may have been a symbol of their principal deity. The Mother Goddess, also known as the fertility goddess, is another significant figure in Harappan religion. She reappears in many sculptures and is depicted with many arms.

Art and Architecture of the Harappan Civilization

The Harappan civilization had a unique style of art and architecture. Their architecture saw large, organized cities with intricate sewage and water systems. The water and sewage systems are particularly distinguishable for civilizations of the time. They also built large public buildings and residential areas. The Great Bath in Mohenjo-Daro is one of the most well-known architectural wonders of the Harappan civilization. This large public pool was built using advanced techniques for the time. Because of the size it is believed to have been used for religious or ceremonial purposes.

The Harappan civilization’s art has a high level of craftsmanship. We can see many intricate patterns and designs on pottery, sculptures, and jewelry. The Harappans used a variety of materials, including terracotta, stone, and bronze, to create their art. As mentioned above many of their figurines depict human figures and animals. This art style is believed to have influenced later South Asian art forms.

Harappan Script and Language

We have noted a couple of times that the writing system has not been deciphered. Because of this the Harappan script remains one of the most significant mysteries of the civilization. Archaeologists have discovered thousands of inscriptions in the Harappan script. There is a fraction in the study of the langugage as scholors differ on the script. Some scholars believe that it is a pictographic language, similar to Egypt. While others suggest that it may have been a proto-Dravidian language.

Achievements of the Harappan

A. Advancements in Technology and Infrastructure

The Harappan Civilization was renowned for its impressive advancements in technology and infrastructure. The civilization had well-planned cities with impressive architectural feats. As mentioned this included large public buildings, granaries, and even a sophisticated drainage system. Mohenjo-Daro, had a complex system of water management. They built and impressive network of underground channels that directed wastewater away from the city center. The cities were also laid out in a grid-like pattern with well-defined streets and blocks, which suggests urban planning.

B. Economic and Trade Systems

The Harappan had a complex economic system, which included agriculture, trade, and manufacturing. The civilization was highly urbanized, and the cities were centers of trade and commerce. Their people were skilled in metal work, and produced a wide range of goods. We have found copper and bronze tools, pottery, and jewelry. The civilization also had a well-developed agricultural system. This is evidenced by the ability to build complex cities. These cities required farmers to produce enough food to support its large population.

C. Achievements in Mathematics and Astronomy

The Harappan Civilization made significant achievements in mathematics and astronomy. The people of the civilization were skilled mathematicians. They developed a system of weights and measures that was highly accurate.

The Harappans were also skilled astronomers and had a keen understanding of the movements of the sun, moon, and stars. They constructed astronomical observatories which allowed them to develop a lunar calendar. The civilization also had a well-developed system of timekeeping. They used the stars to keep track of time and seasons.

The Harappan Civilization was an impressive and sophisticated society. They made significant advancements in technology, infrastructure, economics, and the sciences. The achievements of the Harappan Civilization continue to influence South Asian culture and society to this day.

Decline and Legacy

The decline of the Harappan Civilization is still a subject of debate among historians and archaeologists. Theories suggest that it was likely a combination of factors. Natural disasters, environmental degradation, and overpopulation and unrest all played a role. Climate change, specifically a prolonged drought, is one of the leading hypotheses for the collapse. Evidence suggests that the Indus River, may have dried up or changed course. The resulting drought could have led to crop failure, famine, and migration.

Another theory suggests that the civilization may have experienced external invasion or warfare. This was possibly from the nomadic Indo-Aryans who migrated to the region around 1500 BCE. Evidence of violent destruction at some Harappan sites supports this hypothesis.

Other factors that may have contributed include internal political instability, social inequality, and the decline of trade networks. The gradual collapse of the Indus Valley civilization took place over several centuries, and its causes were likely complex and multifaceted.

Despite its decline, the Harappan Civilization has had a lasting impact on South Asia and beyond. Its urban planning and sanitation systems were among the most advanced of their time. It provided a model for future civilizations.

The legacy of the Harappan Civilization can also be seen in modern South Asian cultural traditions. The Hindu religion, shows similarities to the practices and beliefs of the ancient civilization.

Archaeological discoveries from the Harappan Civilization continue to contribute to our understanding of early human history. More discoveries have challenged traditional views of civilization development. The civilization’s decline serves as a reminder of the complex and delicate balance between human societies and their environment. It also showcases the importance of sustainable development.


The Harappan Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that emerged in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent around 2600 BCE. Its most prominent cities were Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. The civilization was known for its advanced urban planning and sanitation systems. They had sophisticated craftsmanship in pottery, jewelry, and metallurgy. The Harappan script, which has yet to be fully deciphered, is one of the world’s oldest writing systems. The civilization was also renowned for its trade networks. It spanned across the Indian subcontinent and into Central Asia and the Middle East.

The Harappan Civilization was one of the world’s earliest complex urban civilizations. This urbanization represents a significant milestone in human history. Its achievements in urban planning, sanitation, and trade helped pave the way for future civilizations in South Asia and beyond. The Harappan script provides insight into the language and communication of ancient peoples. Additionally, art and craftsmanship demonstrate the development of early forms of creativity.

The legacy of the Harappan Civilization can still be seen in modern South Asia. Especially in the region’s rich cultural and linguistic diversity. The civilization’s achievements in urban planning and sanitation also influenced future city-building and infrastructure development in the region. The Harappan Civilization serves as a reminder of the region’s ancient roots. They proved insights into the evolution of South Asian societies and their contributions to world history.

Deeper Reading:

  1. “The Indus: Lost Civilizations” by Anderw Robinson – This book provides an overview of the Harappan Civilization, including its history, culture, and achievements.
  2. “The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives” edited by Jane R. McIntosh – This book is a collection of essays by various scholars on different aspects of the Harappan Civilization, including religion, art, and urban planning.
  3. The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective” edited by Gregory L. Possehl – This book presents a modern perspective on the the Harappan Civilization, incorporating new archaeological discoveries and research.
  4. “Harappa: Curse of the Blood River” by Vineet Bajpai – This is a work of historical fiction that tells the story of the Harappan Civilization through the eyes of a young girl.

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