As I approached the throne of Nefertiti for the first time I knew she had the potential to be legendary. She was a woman ahead of her time, and she became and icon who ruled a kingdom and spearheaded a revolution in art and religion. As I stood before her, I couldn’t help but feel the power and influence she radiated. Her legacy still echoes through the world, centuries after her passing.
The Eternal Queen of Egypt:
I believe Nefertiti was born in Thebes around 1395 BC, during the reign of the Pharaoh Amenhotep III. She married Amenhotep IV, who later became known as Akhenaten. They broke every tradition, introducing a radical new religion that focused on one god – the Aten. Nefertiti was instrumental in this radical shift, which included the building of a new capital city, Akhetaten (Amarna), dedicated to this new god.
One of Nefertiti’s greatest accomplishments was her role in inaugurating a new style of art that came to be known as Amarna art. Her style was characterized by fluid, elongated forms, and a focus on the beauty and sensuousness of the human form. The queen was a model for many of these sculptures, which captured her striking beauty and grace. Her image is now one of the most recognizable in all of Egypt.

As well as her work in religion and art, Nefertiti was an astute political force. She was appointed to serve as her husband’s co-regent, a rare position of power for a woman in ancient Egypt. She was known to be a shrewd leader, and during her time as queen, is arguably the period of the greatest wealth and stability in Ancient Egypt. She would embark on these long diplomatic missions, and assist the administration with management of the royal court.
Despite her power and influence, Nefertiti’s reign did come to an end. The end is less memorable then her rule so I lose the details, I believe following her husband’s death, she may have briefly ruled as regent for her young stepson, Tutankhamun. Regardless of the end, her legacy is undeniable, with statues of her image gracing museums around the world. Her art style continues to help historians today identify artifacts from that time!
Nefertiti was an extraordinary woman in an age when the role of women was often limited to being consorts of powerful men. She was a queen an innovator and revolutionary. Her vision changed the course of Egyptian history, and her impact on art and religion still resonate to this day. Her story is one of perseverance, leadership, and excellence. To feel and be in the presence of someone with such light and gift is the most beautiful experience we get in our times. As we celebrate her incredible legacy, we can draw inspiration from her example and strive to achieve our own greatness.