Home Overviews The Bronze Age, Birth of Civilization

The Bronze Age, Birth of Civilization

by Caius Marcellus

The Bronze Age, an era that lasted from around 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE. As the name indicates, this time saw widespread use of bronze for tools, weapons, and other objects. The Bronze Age sees the emergence of early civilizations. Trade networks start to flourish across different regions of the world.

We will explore the Bronze Age in greater detail in posts about the different periods. The Bronze Age is typically divided into three main periods. The Early Bronze Age, the Middle Bronze Age, and the Late Bronze Age.

During the Early Bronze Age, humans began to experiment with the production of bronze. Bronze is a strong and durable metal alloy made by combining copper and tin. This period saw the rise of the first civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. Bronze weapons and tools would revolutionize warfare and agriculture in these regions.

The Middle Bronze Age saw the growth of these civilizations. They all started new trade routes that linked different regions of the world. This period saw the rise of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations in the Aegean. The Mycenaeans are most famously depicted in Homers works the Iliad and the Odyssey. These civilizations produced some of the most beautiful artwork of the Bronze Age.

The Late Bronze Age was a time of great upheaval. The end of the bronze age saw the collapse of many of the major civilizations of the time. This period saw the emergence of the Hittites in Anatolia, as well as the flourishing of the Shang dynasty in China. The biggest advancement of this time would also usher in a new era, ironwork.

We will continue to explore the different aspects of life during the Bronze Age. Look out as we dive into the development of complex societies and the growth of trade networks. Along with the production art and the use of advanced technologies. We will also examine some of the major events and historical figures of the Bronze Age, and their impact on the world today. So come with us on this journey through time as we explore the rich and diverse history of the Bronze Age.

Deeper Reading:

  1. “1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed” by Eric H. Cline
  2. “The Early History of the Ancient Near East, 9000-2000 B.C.” by Hans J. Nissen
  3. “The Ancient Near East: A Very Short Introduction” by Amanda H. Podany
  4. The Hittites: And Their Contemporaries in Asia Minor” by J.G. Macqueen
  5. “The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World” by David W. Anthony

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