Our Vision
We want to make all aspects of history as easy and accessible to digest as possible. We at AHH are looking to produce bite size and digestible content, that makes a case for deeper studying and reading for our readers.

We are packaging up everything from the Stone Age to the End of the Classical Era. Building to be a living and growing library of information on every facet of ancient history.
We look forward to having you along for the ride as we cover history in a fully inclusive way. We want to be a one stop connected shop to the integrated nature that truly reflects the totality of the ancient world.
Selected Writings
Introduction Cleopatra is one of the most famous figures in ancient history. She is widely recognized as the last queen of Egypt. She lived during a time of great change …
Introduction The Middle Bronze Age is a period of human history thatsaw significant events and developments. Its exact timeframe varies depending on the specific location and culture in question. In …
The Splendors of the Maya
Introduction to the Maya Civilization The Maya Civilization is one of the most mysterious ancient civilizations in the world. They were a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilization that flourished from 2000 BCE …
The Blood and Sands of the Colosseum
The Roman Colosseum is arguably the most iconic landmark of Rome. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world today. For those who worked at the …
The Bantu Migration
The Bantu migration is a significant event in African history that has had a profound impact on the continent. Explore the spread of Bantu culture and language, the assimilation of the Bantu people with other African tribes, and the significance of the migration in shaping African history and culture.
The Battle of Kadesh is one of the most famous battles if the Bronze Age. It was fought between the Egyptian army, led by Pharaoh Ramesses II, and the Hittite …
Alexander, The Early Years
Introduction Alexander the Great is one of the most renowned figures in world history. Born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia, in 356 BC, he was the son of …
Hatshepsut, The First Queen of Egypt
Introduction Hatshepsut was a remarkable figure in ancient Egyptian history. She was one of the few female pharaohs to rule Egypt and her reign lasted for over two decades during …
The Early Bronze Age
Introduction The Early Bronze Age in the Near East marks an important period in human history. This time is characterized by many significant developments and event. It is a pivotal …
Sumer; The Story of the Birth of Civilization
Introduction The ancient civilization of Sumer, is one of the earliest civilizations in human history. The Sumerians were a people who lived in Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and …
The Pyramids of Giza; A Great Mystery
Introduction The pyramids of Giza, near Cairo, Egypt, are some of the most iconic structures of the ancient world. The Egyptians built them over 4,500 years ago. The construction of …
Egypt in the Stone Age (500,000 to 4000 BCE)
Introduction The ancient Egyptians are one of the most well known ancient civilizations. They developed and thrived along the Nile River in North Africa for thousands of years. Today we …