Our Vision
We want to make all aspects of history as easy and accessible to digest as possible. We at AHH are looking to produce bite size and digestible content, that makes a case for deeper studying and reading for our readers.

We are packaging up everything from the Stone Age to the End of the Classical Era. Building to be a living and growing library of information on every facet of ancient history.
We look forward to having you along for the ride as we cover history in a fully inclusive way. We want to be a one stop connected shop to the integrated nature that truly reflects the totality of the ancient world.
Selected Writings
Introduction Standing before the magnificent Great Wall of China, gazing upon one of the most remarkable architectural accomplishments in the world. Spanning over 13,000 miles and stretching across the vastness …
Standing atop a near by hill, I witnessed a pivotal moment in ancient history unfold. The Battle of Chaeronea. It was a clash where the forces of Phillip II of …
Walking into a new world This is the first time I share a more personal story on this site. As I set out to create a place where people could …
Greetings, my dear friends! Today, I would like to share with you my story during my time in Egypt. As one of the most important and fascinating chapters in my …
When you think about the first writers in history, who do you think of? Maybe Homer? If you’re like most people, you’re probably not thinking of a woman who lived …
The Rise and Fall of the Shang Dynasty: An Overview of Ancient China’s First Recorded Royal Dynasty
Rising with the Dragon: The Dawn of China China has a long history of dynasties that shaped its history. One of the earliest and most important dynasties was the Shang …
Discover the Fascinating History of the Temple of Artemis
Unveiling the Magnificence of the Temple of Artemis – Captivating Architecture from Ancient Times The Temple of Artemis, a symbol of ancient grandeur, shows us the amazing beauty of the …
The Day Dawns on the New Roman Republic Rome, the name leaves an image of a Mediterranean lake. A spectacle of an empire the spread from the British Isle all …
Lead up to the Battle of Salamis The Battle of Salamis was on the horizon. Following closely on the heels of the Greek defeat at Thermopylae and Artemisium, one final …
Aftermath of Issus It was during the autumn of my victorious march. After the Battle of Issus, I beheld the walls of Tyre rising before me. The importance of this …
A Veiled Past In the desert of ancient Egypt, amidst the sands of time, there emerges a figure of profound significance. His name, whispered through the corridors of history, is …
Unraveling the Early Iron Age In the twilight of ages of ancient history, a metamorphic era begins to unfold. The dawn of a new chapter in human history. It was …