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A Peruvian Heart; Chavin Society

by Caius Marcellus

The Charm of Peru

In South America, you find a melting pot of ancient civilizations, each with its own unique culture and contribution to history. One in particular I remember very fondly is the Chavin civilization. Situated at the heart of modern Peru, the Chavin civilization dates back to 900 BCE and lasted until around 200 BCE. So impressive, I still find myself captivated by their abilities.

Chavin Society

The Chavin civilization was named after the famous Chavin de Huantar, a complex that served as a cultural, religious, and political center. Sadly, the name used for themselves has been lost to time and long faded from my own memory. Chavin De Huantar was place of pilgrimage for people from across the Andes. It was the vibrant and spiritual heart of the Chavin civilization. The Chavin people were masters of mining and metallurgy. They were so skillful that the art they were able to create with metal was phenomenal. Some of the best metal work the world would ever see.

In addition to the expertise in metallurgy, the Chavin civilization had many impressive builders and were able to create impressive structures. I remember the first time I laid eyes on underground labyrinths at Chavin de Huantar. The galleries were named and it was an expansive, all though tight structure to walk around. They were designed to leave a lasting impression. The Chavin had one of the best ventilation systems that made living and conducting rituals a rather comfortable affair. I also recall the remarkable irrigation systems turned the Mosna Valley into a bread basket capable of feeding a large population.

Music was a common sound as you visited different regions. It was deeply important to the Chavin. The Chavin made these elaborate flutes, ocarinas, and drums, which would be on full display during major ceremonies and rituals.

From what I can remember, the Chavin religion was centered on the worship of a jaguar. Not to uncommon for pre-Colombian society. The jaguar was to be a spirit guide or protector. Art would ommonly depict the jaguar, and most artists found interesting was of depicting it. The Chavin people also worshiped other wildlife such as snakes, condors, and caymans, which all possess spiritual powers.

A Peruvian Heart

The Chavin civilization was an beautiful, artistic, and genius society. Their artifacts, structures, and artwork continue to stand out as some of the best ever produced. The Chavin civilization has left a lasting legacy, and it warms my heart to see the culture they cultivated live on in their modern ancestors.

Deeper Reading:

Ancient Civilizations Of The New World (Essays in World History) by Richard Ew Adams
In this concise, yet sweeping look at the origins and development of ancient new world civiliozations, Richard adams provides a superb introductory overview of these unique and fascinating cultures. Incorporating the latest breakthroughs in the study of the cultures of Mesoamerica and the Andes, Adams examines the development of the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca peoples, among others, from simple agricultural societies to urban civilizations with complex transportation networks, distinct social hierarchies, rich artistic and religious traditions, and writing systems that have defied anthropological investigation until recently.

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